
Candy Man
Lee goes to a magic candy placeTranscript
We see four smiling marshmallow people. Behind them are beautiful rolling hills and mountains further beyond. One is wearing a crown and sitting on a throne, and two others are running towards the viewer. The fourth is holding up the throne with its head, partially crushed by the immense weight of the pillowy throne, despite its buff little arms.
Ruler: Hello, friend! Welcome to the Candy World!
The two running marshmallows go up to Lee, holding puffy necklaces.
Marshmallow 1: We have been expecting you! Please accept our gifts!
Marshmallow 2: Accept! Yes yes!
Lee accepts the gifts with no discernable expression.
The ruler gestures to a round castle in the distance.
Ruler: We welcome you to stay in Puff Castle, where you ma-
Lee, interrupting: How come you're all marshmallows? For being the "Candy World", there's a stark lack of candy diversity.
Lee is wearing both necklaces and is holding one of the marshmallows in his hands. He's holding him sideways like a pillow.
The marshmallow ruler stares intensely, still smiling. He leans forward.
Ruler: There are not, nor have there ever been, any other races of candymen. If I ever hear you ask again, I will have you killed.
Lee: That's fair.
He's tucked the marshmallow he was holding under his arm, and has picked up the other. He starts eating them.