
I suppose I amTranscript
A young king is sitting alone in his massive throne room. Behind his throne is a mural of a crescent moon and shooting star. It's at least 25 feet wide. The king has a crescent moon earring and necklace, along with other jewelry. He's lounging in his throne, which is more like a sofa than a typical throne. He staring off into space, looking deeply unhappy. A woman appears behind him. "Why should a king be so sad?" she asks. The king darts to the other side of the throne, startled. "How did you get here?" he demands. "You have every thing you have ever wanted" the woman says. "Perhaps you wanted the wrong things?" She crawls across the throne and sits on the king's legs. "Or perhaps..." She stares into the kings eyes and says, "Even with everything you have, you feel just the same as you did before. You imagined once you were older, the world would become clear, and you would finally understand." She stands up. The king stays where he was on the throne. "But here you are," she says, "as lost as ever." She walks behind the throne. "Wait, where are you-" the king follows her. "going..." as the king finishes his sentence, he sees the woman has disappeared just as suddenly as she arrived. He's left standing there, once again alone in his thoughts.