
yeah uhhh i go to #church on #sunday??Transcript
A bearded man in robes points to a line graph, titled "Membership". There is a pentagram in the corner of it. The line is going down
The man: As the powerpoint shows, our membership has been declining year after year.
There are three men watching the presentation, all bearded men in robes. One is asleep.
Middle Man: We hired a recruiter, didn't we? One to connect with the college-age youth?
It cuts to a university, where Lee is talking to a crowd of college students with a megaphone.
Lee: You are all gross, smelly SINNERS. Why do we have wheelchair ramps? Respecting people is a sign of weakness.
Someone in the crowd: YOU SUCK!
Lee points at the person who yelled.
Lee: The Lord hates us all, but he hates you specifically.