
Marvellous Means
the sponsorship has been cancelled.Transcript
There is a young Lee with swooshy hair.
Lee: Today's comic is sponsored by...
He holds up a knife.
Lee: War™
He approaches two kids, a little girl and boy, and shows them the knife.
Lee: Hello children, do you like knives™?
Both Children: Yes.
Lee hands the boy the knife.
Lee: This knife™ sends people back in time when stabbed!
Children: Woah.
Lee: Have fun!
The children run off with the knife.
Off-panel, we hear several people being stabbed
Unknown voice: Seize the means!
Lee: Uh-oh. The children have killed the government and established a Marxist state.
The boy is directing the construction of a statue of a man. A crane is lowering the statue onto a base, upon which text is being chiseled by a man. The girl is stabbing a dead body.
The statue is revealed to be of Karl Marx, with "PAPA" poorly carved on the base. The children are dancing and skipping around the it.
Lee: This collaboration has gone very poorly.