
welcome... to needleful dot net

have you ever been on the internet? it has thing's you have never even seen before. wonderful things,, whild things

however, this is the whildest and wonderfulest of those things. please, make yourself comfie and experience.... needleful dot net

I invented video games

My current game, At the Ends of Eras, is an open world 3D platformer where you explore a strange desert province and go on several adventures in the hopes of learning more about your lost mother.

A playable demo is out now!

I have the comics you crave

me about to murder you if you do not look at the funny comic

check this out: Confession Time. not impressed? perhaps you have opposite tastes, in which case I recommend 14 Days of Valentine, which is the worst comic and therefore your favorite.

i survived needleful's blog and all i got was this lousy shirt

do you like strangers on the internet talking as if they're experts? then you will love my blog, needleful's blog.

i will pour my wisdom from my brain into yours like the sweetest honey

a bottle of honey in a saucepan of warm water. it's one of those bear-shaped bottles and its face is sticking out of the water, so it looks like it's enjoying a bath.  next to it is a drawing figurine, posed to look like it's waiting for the honey

pictured: you, eagerly awaiting my wisdom

I even use proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation for the blogs.

the numerous other offerings of the site

Are you not satisfied? Then enjoy these last scraps of the website which I have finally added links to:

there are even more websites where you can see me

so what will it be?

i have given you a conucopia of choice here. there is nothing you will be left wanting upon this web sight, this web slightly draped to block your flight.