![Comic: Decay page 1](/img/needleful/decay.png)
an apt comic lmao
Now I know what you're thinking, "needleful you established that skeletons are alive in the second comic you are breaking the lore".
No, the skeletons were only alive for two weeks, when a mean old wizard made them alive, and a happy band of adventurers then went on a quest and made him undo his spell. They committed the largest act of genocide the world had ever seen. Tens of billions of skeleton lives were snuffed out just as quickly as they'd been brought back. Many had already re-integrated into society and connected with their loved ones or descendants, leading to massive social disorder as the new majority of the population disappeared. Some of those skeletons were piloting planes, or performing surgery. There were hundreds of thousands of human casualties. That happy band of adventurers should perhaps have thought through their actions.
A woman is waxing philosophically.
Woman: Have you ever let something you love decay and die? Like, you could have done something to save it, but for whatever reason, you did nothing? I've experienced that before. It's so... frustrating. It's like I'm trapped in my own mind. Have you ever felt like that?
She is talking to a skeleton. The skeleton says nothing because it's dead. The woman crosses her arms, upset.
Woman (angry): This is exactly what I was talking about, you know!