
Yes, the bovine language not only has an equivalent to the word "partner", it has a colloquial variant used in the old west that can be translated as "pardner".Transcript
A cowboy is riding on a bull up to a southern Belle.
Belle: How ever did you get that bull so tame and mild?
Cowboy: As it so happens I have the God-given gift to speak the bovine language!
Belle: My goodness! I would love to see a demonstration!
Cowboy: Can do!
Cowboy (in the bovine language): Say, pardner, have anything you'd like to say to this lovely lady?
The Bull: Please... no more of these games. Just let me see my family. Let me see they're okay.
Cowboy (in human language): Hehe... he says: "I ain't too fond of red, but I'll make an exception for that lovely dress!"
Belle: What a charmer he is!